What a special, family centered wedding I got to witness this past weekend! Claire and Dawson; Thank you so much for allowing Dylan and I the privilege of being your wedding photographers! You both have come from amazing families and it shows through in every aspect of who you both are.
Most people know or have heard before that “Tying the knot” is a reference for getting married and that rain on your wedding day is suppose to mean good luck in your marriage…for one reason or another, I had always thought rain meant good luck in fertility specifically, that if it rains it was suppose to mean you were going to have a lot of children. Not a hundred percent sure where I came up with that lol. Some time ago I came across a video that said according to the Irish, rain on your wedding day is a great omen because “A wet knot is much harder to untie” and regardless of what rain on your wedding day actually means if anything at all because only God truly knows – I’m going to always, forever now look at it in that positive light.
I believe that to be especially true for Claire and Dawson, what started as being a very gloomy, rainy morning turned into the most gorgeous wedding weather ever! 70 degrees, bright and sunny – complete with 90% caterpillars hahah.
No matter how many weddings I get to attend there is always a few things that are specific to every one of my couples that just make my heart skip a little bit. One of these was when Claire told me that she and Dawson didn’t attend the same school but actually met in Youth group and would exchange notes to each other on Wednesday nights when they would get to see each other.
So now you can only imagine how much sweeter that made their little private note exchange/hand holding moment they had pre-ceremony.
Another was the thoughtful handkerchief gifts that both momma’s gave to their babies for happy tears. Dawson’s mom had a sweet little note embroidered into his and Claire’s mom gave her and her sister a handkerchief that had pieces of their grandmother’s robe, their mother’s wedding dress and all the dates of their weddings embroidered into it. *cue the happy tears* there for sure!
What a beautiful day, to watch beautiful souls get married!
Enjoy these sweet sneak peeks and check out the other vendors at the bottom!!
Thanks for reading and be blessed!!
XO Taylor

Photographers | Wombs to weddings Photography & Dylan Todd Photography
Videography | Mangione studios
Wedding Planner | Erica Hart
Venue | Indigo Harvest Events
DJ | Matt Gray
Caterer | Brick City Kitchen