Hello there,
It’s been quite a long minute since I’ve written about a session I’ve done and in the absence I actually switched blog platforms so if you hadn’t noticed – Welcome! Scroll on down and take a tour of the new place lol.
If you don’t know me and you’re wondering who you stumbled upon. My name is Taylor Moulton. My company name is Wombs to weddings Photography and in total I’ve been in business 3 years this October; but I have been physically in love with Photography Since the 9th grade. In high school I would some times skip lunch to stay in the photo room a little longer. I would get a heart racing, stomach flipping, palms sweating kind of feeling every time I would drop a print into the developer and see it appear before my eyes in the red light of the darkroom. And I think it was then in that time of my life I knew in my heart photography was something I wanted to do forever. After high school I attended Daytona State for photographic technology, and after college God paved a way for me to start working as a photographer at my local hospital. I am so so grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been given, for all the lives I’ve entered and wonderful people I’ve met along the way in this incredible journey. Truly I say to you I am blessed. People say it all the time like it’s some kind of trendy catch phrase right now… But sincerely, my life has been miraculously changed by God and my business is thriving proof. I am blessed and highly favored. And so are you. If you don’t know it yet, I hope you figure it out soon.
So without further ado “Love with a lake view” or as I am naming it – was a brilliant family session I did with this gorgeous Spanish family I met at – you guessed it – Citrus Memorial Hospital. And like I have said a million times already, I will say it again; I love re meeting my vicarious babies again as adorable walking toddlers; it is without a doubt the biggest perk of my job and makes me want to hug and squeeze them like nieces and nephews.
For the small hour we spent together I dug up every bit of Spanish from my brain that I could remember from my high school days and when I said “Hola” to Maximino it triggered a big smile from ear to ear and he started waving at me. Hahah it made my heart melt a little. The nats were insane, and basically there was a cloud of bugs in every picture I took that I had to edit out but my people braved them like champs. And we got some amazing, amazing photographs out of it.
Ooooh my goodness, the struggle of trying to narrow these down was SO real. Baby Maximino gave me smiles, he gave me puckered kissy faces, he gave me sour gummy worm faces, serious faces, he was waving and just being as cute as he could be with every expression under the sun. How could I throw any of them away?!? The answer is I couldn’t. The gallery is extra extensive because really how do you pick and choose between this sweetness? And mom and dad…Pure FIRE! Here is a glimpse of the magic. But as always if you’re interested to see more you can browse the website here
And if you’d like to schedule a family session like this of your very own contact me here
Be blessed,