Oh man…THIS WEDDING YA’LL!! This was a special one to me – It was special and closer to my heart for a few reasons; For one, it was my first destination wedding I’ve ever shot! I had gone to Massachusetts to photograph my cousin’s wedding in 2018 but I don’t feel like I can count that because we’re related lol – just doesn’t carry the same kind of weight in my mind. For two, it was the first time I have ever been to North Carolina and my first time in a loooong time going up north during peak “fall season.” The beauty in North Carolina is absolutely unmatched. I spent almost all of my driving time from the airport to my hotel just gawking at the beautiful rolling hills filled with cows or goats, the vibrant golds, oranges and reds in all the trees and saying “wow!” at literally every house on every plot of land because they were all just stunning. It was incredible and not a for sale sign in sight might I add.
However, the biggest and most impactful reason – number three, the bride and groom is a couple I literally have grown up with as a photographer. They have stuck by me through pricing structure increases, editing changes and somehow when they could have picked anyone to be their photographer in North Carolina for their destination wedding – they chose me. Because they agreed it just wasn’t going to feel right with anyone else… and I’m still just so shook when I play that through my mind. How did I get so blessed to find people that view what I do as THAT important; GOD that’s how! Can I get an AMEN! Lol
By the grace of God, I got in contact with Vanessa around Christmas time 3 years ago. I remember she said she was new to the area and I think she found me on google – had three dogs and a boyfriend and wanted to get some cute family pictures done to make Christmas cards. What a blessing picking up that phone call became. She is in every way a woman I aspire to be like. She has the sweetest heart, the most contagious happiness that just pours out of her, the love she has for her family members AND Travis’s would make your heart melt and just her aura as a person is purely magnetic…like I feel privileged to know this girl – Wow, I just fangirled the heck out of Vanessa haha, Travis I think you are just as exceptional, and Vanessa is very blessed to have you in her life. Really though, they are that wonderful and thoughtful and I am so overjoyed for both of them because really Travis and Vanessa together as husband and wife makes all the sense in the world, they are absolutely amazing, kind and generous souls who deserve each other in every way and their love for each other just beams out of them. Furthermore, I hope they do rethink that “I can’t have kids, my dog’s are allergic.” thing because the world needs more people like Travis and Vanessa in it!! Lolol
Some of my favorite moments were the first look with dad and the epic 3 or 4 course dance routine they put together, Vanessa’s grandmother dancing at the reception and watching Travis’s reaction to Vanessa walking down the aisle.
The wedding itself was absolutely beautiful, every key aspect of it was perfect – the way it was decorated inside with all the lights and chandeliers, the loving little touches of their engagement photos on all the tables as centerpieces, the hot cocoa bar with all the fixings on a charcuterie board they really thought of every little thing… the location of Fussell Farms sits right in front of mountains so the ceremony scenery outside was just more gorgeous than you can even imagine. It was just a dream destination for a wedding and I say that lovingly, and not to boast because it has always been my dream to travel and to photograph – I don’t want anyone to read this and feel less than or overshadowed I wouldn’t ever want to make someone feel that way. However, everyone has dream jobs and ideal places they would love to visit someday and I just so happened to actually live one of mine out and I thank the Lord so much for it. I got to see the mountains, breathe the northern air again – I got to experience shooting a wedding in a brand new place with, people I just adore! Enjoy these sneak peeks and check out the vendors at the bottom – this was one for the books!

Love ya’ll!! I hope you’re having the time of your lives in Europe right now!

- Vendor Team
- Venue: Fussell Estates
- Photographer: Wombs to weddings Photography
- Wedding Planner: Marian Hillard
- Dj: Dj Johnnie Johnson
- Hair: Olivia Torres
- Make up: Sathia Domiquez
- Dress: Nikki’s Glitz and Glam Boutique
- Catering: The Scarlet Hen
- Cake: Doms Bakery
- Invitation: Magnet Street
- Florist: Sue Daly